Friday, February 10, 2012


First I would like to start this post, as I begin many by apologizing for my lack of activity on this blog. What's that you say? Apology accepted? *whew* lets move on. So I will start of with a fact. Pasta is one of the 8 wonders of the world. I haven't verified this fact but I'm fairly sure it's true. Also I think Shakespeare write a sonnet about pasta... And in my own personal opinion, I'm obsessed with it. When I want to actually cook a great dinner, pasta is my go to. I may not be the best cook but I can make a pasta dish that rivals Emril.... And thats a fact. So the pasta I made tonight was a simple one, nothing super fancy, but it turned out great! I've got one sick child and (knowing how germs spread) probably two more on the way so I wanted something simple and bland enough that no tummys would get upset. Unfortunately caleb (poor guy) is on a strict saltine and ginger ale diet, but the rest of us thoroughly enjoyed this delightful creation! In fact both kiddos got seconds, so that is all the verification I need. The pasta is pictured below but the simple recipe is penne, chicken, whipping cream, peas and parsley. I also added garlic but that's more of a food staple then it is an ingredient. I put that stuff in everything! I just threw everything together (no specific amounts, just what looked good) and simmered it in a saucepan. It was delish!
Note, picture was taken post meal.... We were hungry.